Friday, March 2, 2012

System Variable Turn ON

Here are system variables that you might want to leave turned on.

EDGEMODE- Controls how the TRIM and EXTEND commands determine cutting and boundary edges.
0= Uses the selected edge without any extensions
1= Extends or trims the selected object to an imaginary extension of the cutting or boundary edge

DRAGMODE- When it is on, the image of an object is displayed as you drag it to another position.
0= Does not display an outline of the object as you drag it
1= Displays the outline of the object as you drag it only if you enter drag at the Command prompt after selecting the object to drag
2= Auto; always displays an outline of the object as you drag it

HIGHLIGHT- Controls object highlighting
0= Turns off object selection highlighting
1= Turns on object selection highlighting

FILEDIA- Suppresses display of file navigation dialog boxes.
0= Does not display dialog boxes. You can still request a file dialog box to appear by entering a tilde (~) in response to the command's prompt. The same is true for AutoLISP and ADS functions.
1= Displays dialog boxes. However, if a script or AutoLISP/ObjectARX™ program is active, an ordinary prompt is displayed.

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